![]() Have you had repeated experiences that have left you feeling “not good enough” or “unlovable”? Do you attract negative people into your life? Have you ever asked yourself “how did I get here again?!” Do you have reoccurring pain? Do you have limiting beliefs about yourself that keep you stuck? I did. My limiting belief was about being “broken”. Have you ever heard the proverb “healer heal thyself”? It always resonated with me. I always knew that in order to continue to counsel and support others I needed to do my own “work” and yet fear had always stopped me. That is until about 13 years ago. I was a successful counsellor at a small social service agency, the mother to two beautiful children with an amazing husband who loves me unconditionally. Yet I knew that there was something inside me that continued to feel “broken” in some way. I didn’t really understand it or why it was there. All I knew is that it was holding me back from being my true self. A dear friend and colleague of mine suggested I try a Quantum Change Process. I had no true understanding of what it was but I trusted my friend wholeheartedly and I was open and willing to give it a chance. Here is what I learned. Our body holds memory on a cellular level and those memories, whether we consciously remember them or not, have a whole set of beliefs attached to them. For me the belief that took root was one of being “broken” and it started at a much earlier time in my life. The Quantum Change Process utilizes Applied Behaviour Kinesiology (muscle testing) to tap into that cellular memory and I was able to figure out when it started, who needed to be addressed and it allowed me to resolve that old belief and let it go once and for all. Three hours later I had my answers and I had so much more than that. I had a new lens through which I saw the world, the people I loved the most and most importantly how I saw myself. I no longer saw myself as “broken” but as completely perfect in my imperfections. The process helped me to release that old limiting belief in a safe, non-judgemental space so that I could move forward loving myself. Now I know why that old belief was there! I know why I felt “broken” all those years. It was all so that I could get to where I am now. What I couldn’t believe is that the practitioner I worked with was the only one offering this modality of support! I knew then that I needed to be trained in The Quantum Change Process so that I could share it with others. Do you know what your limiting beliefs are? Would it be of value to you to finally let go of that? Would it be of value to you to take back your power? How much longer do you want to wait?
May 2018
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